Voting has begun for the 2022 Chapter Elections.
AMTA-Nebraska members should have received a ballot to the email address on file. Please follow the instructions within that email and cast your vote ASAP! If you have not received your ballot, please check your spam folders, sometimes things from national can end up there, or if you still can't find it contact the 2022 Election Coordinator Lora VanEtten at for any questions or concerns. Voting Closes March 28th.
Official Results from this election will be announced at the AMTA-NE Chapter Meeting Friday, April 1st 2022 and as subsequent social media posts. We would love to see every member there that we can . For more information on that. See our previous blog post
AMTA-Nebraska would like to thank Lora VanEtten for volunteering to be this year's Election Coordinator. Thanks Lora! We appreciate your hard work and attention to timelines and details.
If you would like to volunteer your time to be this chapter's next 2023 election coordinator. Email for more info.